Private Coaching with Brooke

Ready to change your life?

You can have success AND fulfillment.

My 1:1 coaching program runs for a 3 month minimum and consists of a session every week or every two weeks, and my number one goal is for you to create the life of your dreams.

I'm Ready for Change

Unlock Your Potential:

Learn to love yourself, embrace your true gifts, eliminate what's not working, reprogram your behavior, and live life on your terms.

Achieve success without sacrificing what matters most.

I believe you can enjoy life with family and friends while taking care of yourself. Many sacrifice these joys chasing success. I'm here to show you how to have it all.

Alia Kahn

Owner Oak + Lotus Studio

Testimonial: To say that working with Brooke has been transformative comes nowhere close to capturing the full scope of the impact my work with her has had on my life.  Her straightforward yet compassionate focus on identifying and interrupting old patterns has guided me to create immense change both personally and professionally. Because, as she has said from day 1, once you've gotten your personal life sorted, the professional stuff flows easily. And she was absolutely right. I was skeptical at first, but she quickly demonstrated that she really knows what she's talking about. And that's when the real work began. It's been hard, but nothing good comes easy, right? If you're willing to put in the work, know that Brooke can absolutely help you achieve whatever goals or objectives you seek - personal AND professional. 

See full case study

Helping people create the life of their dreams is my Superpower.

Brooke has an extraordinary ability to transform people quickly! She partners with clients to achieve results far beyond their expectations.

Her mission is to work with today's greatest leaders, helping them reach their fullest potential and inspiring millions to do the same.

Brooke is an International Best Selling Author, Transformational Leadership Consultant, Human Behavioral Specialist, and Certified Human Design Coach. She combines Human Design with NLP, the Gene Keys, transformational coaching and behavioral science, so you can create success AND fulfillment in your life.

The private coaching process

How the journey works:

Enroll as a private client and experience unparalleled transformation.

This exclusive program offers the greatest results in the shortest time. As your personal mentor, I'll guide you, empower you to take action towards your dreams, align with your Human Design, change your behaviors, and so much more.

When you enroll in coaching, you receive:

  • Private sessions every week or 2 weeks for a minimum of 3 months (recorded sessions)
  • 1-year membership in Fulfillment by Design Community (FDC) $1548 value
  • Access to a private coaching portal where you have access to my most transformational resources and exercises (lifetime access)
  • Customized Human Design Report unique to your design for your reference
  • A customized book that goes into depth on your specific purpose, vocation, brand, culture and other Gene Keys/Golden Path aspects. This is a powerful manifestation tool!
  • 1-1 access to Brooke for any questions
  • Throughout our time together, I’m fully committed to your journey. You’ll have access to me between sessions for questions, check-ins, or whenever you need support to overcome challenges.

I work with those brave enough to create the life of their dreams!

Too many people today are stuck in burnout, overwhelm, and unhappiness. Trapped in outdated ways of thinking, they struggle to feel and grow, becoming increasingly frustrated by their inability to achieve the results and life they desire.

In today’s world, it's essential to rediscover your unique voice and step into it with courage.

Being your authentic self takes bravery, especially in a world quick to judge and criticize, often hindering you from creating life on your terms.

Stop letting fear block your path to greatness and authenticity.

With the right knowledge, experience, and guidance, you can live up to your fullest potential. Master the supercomputer between your ears and reconnect with the heart in your chest.

People need to upgrade their thinking and rewire their brains for success, happiness, and fulfillment. Those who honor their true selves through Human Design become powerful and unapologetically authentic.

I'm Ready

Who Is This Program For?

This program is for individuals ready to move past fears and self-judgment. If you're tired of burnout, feeling overwhelmed, and unappreciated, and you want to overcome what’s holding you back to create the life of your dreams, this is for you.

  • Ready to elevate your career and life?
  • Aware that you’re holding yourself back and done with it?
  • Recognize that fear has been stopping you and ready to make a change?

If you're ready to become the best version of yourself, master your career, and create lasting positive change, enroll below!

Register Today!

3 Month Minimum



  • 2 Private Sessions per month with Brooke
  • 1-Year Membership to the Fulfillment by Design Community (FDX)- $1548 value
  • Private Client Portal Access with transformational exercises and resources
  • Direct Access to Brooke for questions and support
  • Custom Book for manifesting your dream life
  • Personalized Human Design Report

3 Month Minimum



  • 4 Private Sessions per month with Brooke
  • 1-Year Membership to the Fulfillment by Design Community (FDX) - $1548 value
  • Private Client Portal Access with transformational exercises and resources
  • Direct Access to Brooke for questions and support
  • Custom Book for manifesting your dream life
  • Personalized Human Design Report

What People Are Saying

Benah Parker

Ph.D. and CEO Level 42 Consulting

Few people have the opportunity to work alongside a coach and mentor as powerful as Brooke. She and I have worked together for more than six years, and she has provided incredible insight, advice, and accountability as I have grown my own entrepreneurial endeavors.

If you are a successful female executive who is feeling burned out and unfulfilled, I highly
recommend working with Brooke to learn how to reach your goals while enjoying the process

Amy Suiter

Doctorate Educational Psychology and Owner Amy Suiter LLC

Thanks to Brooke's guidance and support, I am on my path to achieving things I never thought possible, she continues to see my potential even when I can't. Her unwavering belief in her clients and ability to demand accountability is second to none. If you are ready to grow to your next level Brooke is the coach that will challenge you, stretch you, and most importantly grow you to your next level of success!

Frequently Asked Questions: